- Postdoctoral Fellow: University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, NC. studied under Dr. Jason Lieb
- Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley. Berkeley, CA. studied under Dr. Jasper Rine
- B. S. University of California, Santa Cruz. Santa Cruz, CA. studied under Dr. Bess B. Ward

Previous Positions
- Fellow. East Asian Pacific Island Summer Research Institute (NSF-JSPS) at the University of Osaka, Japan. studied under Dr. Yasushi Hiraoka
- Research Associate. Carnegie Institute, Stanford University. Stanford, CA. studied under Dr. Chris Somerville
- Research Associate. University of Oregon, Eugene. Eugene, OR. studied under Dr. Alice Barkan
- Intern. Roche BioSciences. Palo Alto, CA. studied under Dr. Eddie Leung
- Technician. Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc. Santa Cruz, CA.
Education & Teaching
I teach courses in Computational Biology, Molecular Biology, and other subjects.
Current Course Offerings:
- Computational Biology Course Series (3-part course series for graduate students)
- Linux as a Computational Platform - DSCI510. Fall semesters
- RNA Sequencing Data Analysis - DSCI512. Fall semesters
- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Courses
- Molecular Genetics - BC563. Fall semesters.
Past Course Offerings:
- Molecular Genetics - BC463, 464
- Biochemistry Seminar - Public Speaking in the Sciences. - BC493
- Summer Workshop Series. Rotating offerings in Scientific Writing, Statistics, Figure Design, and Scientific Communication. See Events for past and upcoming workshops.
- Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis Workshop. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. past workshop
- How to Learn How To Code. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC. past workshop
Diversity & Inclusion
- College of Natural Sciences Dean's Committee for Diversity & Inclusion
- qCMB Program Diversity & Inclusion Consulting Group
- BMB - IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, & Equity Action) Committee
- BMB - IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, & Equity Action) Steering Committee
- Faculty Institute for Inclusive Excellence
- Trained NSF-ADVANCE GEO Facilitator for DEI events
Other service
- ISTeC-MAC Committee member. Coordinating computational resources, campus-wide
Publications & Datasets
Professorship Research
see Publications
post-Postdoctoral Research
Polar Positioning of Phase-Separated Liquid Compartments in Cells Regulated by an mRNA Competition Mechanism.
Saha S, Weber CA, Nousch M, Adame-Arana O, Hoege C, Hein MY, Osborne-Nishimura E, Mahamid J, Jahnel M, Jawerth L, Pozniakovski A, Eckmann CR, Jülicher F, Hyman AA.
Cell. 2016 Sep 8;166(6):1572-1584.e16.
Probing and rearranging the transcription factor network controlling the C. elegans endoderm
Wiesenfahrt T, Osborne Nishimura E, Berg JY, McGhee JD.
Worm Commentary. 2016 June 10; e1198869
Postdoctoral Research - Developmental genomics in C. elegans and other organisms
A Transcriptional Lineage of the Early C. elegans Embryo.
Tintori SC, Osborne Nishimura E, Golden P, Lieb JD, Goldstein B.
Dev Cell. 2016 Aug 22;38(4):430-44.
The function and regulation of the GATA factor ELT-2 in the C. elegans endoderm.
Wiesenfahrt T, Berg JY, Osborne Nishimura E, Robinson AG, Goszczynski B, Lieb JD, McGhee JD.
Development. 2016 Feb 1;143(3):483-91.
Evidence for extensive horizontal gene transfer from the draft genome of a tardigrade.
Boothby TC, Tenlen JR, Smith FW, Wang JR, Patanella KA, Osborne Nishimura E, Tintori SC, Li Q, Jones CD, Yandell M, Messina DN, Glasscock J, Goldstein B.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Dec 29;112(52):15976-81.
Asymmetric Transcript Discovery by RNA-seq in C. elegans Blastomeres Identifies neg-1, a Gene Important for Anterior Morphogenesis.
Osborne Nishimura E, Zhang JC, Werts AD, Goldstein B, Lieb JD.
PLoS Genetics. Apr 13, 2015.
RNA-seq in the tetraploid Xenopus laevis enables genome-wide insight in a classic developmental biology model organism.
Amin NM, Tandon P, Osborne-Nishimura E, Conlon FL.
Methods. 2013 Jun 20.
Graduate Research - Transcriptional Silencing in S. cerevisiae
The enigmatic conservation of a Rap1 binding site in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae HMR-E silencer.
Teytelman L, Osborne Nishimura EA, Özaydin B, Eisen MB, Rine J.
G3 (Bethesda). 2012 Dec;2(12):1555-62.
Symmetry, asymmetry, and kinetics of silencing establishment in Saccharomyces cerevisiae revealed by single-cell optical assays.
Osborne EA, Hiraoka Y, Rine J.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011 Jan 25;108(4):1209-16.
The establishment of gene silencing at single-cell resolution.
Osborne EA, Dudoit S, Rine J.
Nat Genet. 2009 Jul;41(7):800-6.
Technician Work - Plant Genetics in Arabidopsis and Zea mays
The Cellulose Synthase Superfamily
Youngs HL, Hamann T, Osborne E, Somerville C.
Springer; 2007. Chapter 3; p.35-48. Brown R, Saxena IM, editors. The University of Texas, Austin, TX.
Toward a systems approach to understanding plant cell walls.
Somerville C, Bauer S, Brininstool G, Facette M, Hamann T, Milne J, Osborne E, Paredez A, Persson S, Raab T, Vorwerk S, Youngs H.
Science. 2004 Dec 24;306(5705):2206-11. Review.
WIN1, a transcriptional activator of epidermal wax accumulation in Arabidopsis.
Broun P, Poindexter P, Osborne E, Jiang CZ, Riechmann JL.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Mar 30;101(13):4706-11.
Maize mutants lacking chloroplast FtsY exhibit pleiotropic defects in the biogenesis of thylakoid membranes.
Asakura Y, Hirohashi T, Kikuchi S, Belcher S, Osborne E, Yano S, Terashima I, Barkan A, Nakai M.
Plant Cell. 2004 Jan;16(1):201-14.
Tissue specific expression of CESA and CSL genes in Arabidopsis
Hamann T, Osborne E, Youngs HL, Misson J, Nussaume L, et al.
Cellulose. 2004; 11:279 - 286.
Microspore separation in the quartet 3 mutants of Arabidopsis is impaired by a defect in a developmentally regulated polygalacturonase required for pollen mother cell wall degradation.
Rhee SY, Osborne E, Poindexter PD, Somerville CR.
Plant Physiol. 2003 Nov;133(3):1170-80.
Group II intron splicing factors derived by diversification of an ancient RNA-binding domain.
Ostheimer GJ, Williams-Carrier R, Belcher S, Osborne E, Gierke J, Barkan A.
EMBO J. 2003 Aug 1;22(15):3919-29.