Lab Tour Day 2025

Friday, April 11, 2025
1:00 – 5:00 pm
at Colorado State University Campus

This event is targeted at community college students.

Did you know that working in a lab is a great way to enrich your education, establish a strong team of mentors, get on-the-job training, and often get paid, too? Come join us at the Colorado State University campus to tour some labs and see how this all works.

Successfully transferred students will walk you through their labs and introduce you to their research. They’ll introduce strategies for attaining employment in a lab and teach you about the benefits and challenges.

This event is geared toward Community College STEM (science, technology, engineering, & math) and their educators. Typical itineraries will walk through 4 – 5 labs. Let us know your prospective or potential majors, and we’ll try to match you with a lab in that field. This is a great way to help narrow down your field of study!


Limited spots are available. Please register here by Friday, April 4, 2025:

Location, Parking, and Other Logistics

Arrival: Please plan to arrive early, at 12:45 pm to allow time for parking and other logistics. If you are driving from a distance, please allow time for traffic.

Parking: Parking for the event will be in the Lake Street parking garage at the corner of Lake Street and Center Avenue, see map below. Search for “Lake Street Garage Parking Lot” in google maps. The Pitking Garage is also available, too.

Your parking cost is included in the event, please follow the link in the e-mail you receive to register your vehicle for a free parking pass. If you forget to register, we can still take care of it when you arrive.

Meeting Point: Our meeting point is currently TBD. This room will be our “home base”. You can leave your belongings there during tours.

Tours: Tours will leave on time. If you arrive late, we will sent you out with a catch up crew to catch up to your tour, but limited people are available.

For your tours, you will split up into groups and your guides will take you through your tour of 4 labs in various departments. The tour groups and routes have been assigned based on the interests you indicated in your registration. There will be a tour guide with you at all times to make sure you move through the route smoothly and no one gets lost. All of our tour guides are successfully transferred Community College students who now work in labs on campus, so feel free to ask them anything you’d like to know!

If at any time you need a break, <TBD> is our “home base”. 

Preparing: Please wear shoes that are comfortable for walking. Because the labs are in different buildings, we expect you’ll get your steps in! Please contact us if you foresee needing help with this.

Fun stuff: We will have lots of fun stuff to give away and a raffle!


Schedules will be announced the week of 4/7/2025. Below is an example of a tour schedule:

Group A – Example

1:00 pmArrival at CSUAZ H130
1:15 – 1:35Biochemistry LabMRB 227
1:45 – 2:05Chemistry LabChemistry Building
2:15 – 2:35Ecology LabBiology Building
2:45 – 3:05Computer Science LabComputer Science Bldn.
3:15 – 3:35Transfer office presentationAZ H130
3:40 – Coffee & snack receptionAZ H130

Group B – Example

1:00 pmArrival at CSUAZ H130
1:15 – 1:35Biology LabBiology Building
1:45 – 2:05Ecology LabBiology Building
2:15 – 2:35Fish and Wildlife LabNat. Resources Building
2:45 – 3:05Engineering LabEngineering Building
3:15 – 3:35Transfer office presentationAZ H130
3:40 – Cc\offee & snack reception AZ H130


After the final tour, we will have a reception at 4:30 pm in <TBD>. We will have refreshments and swag. The lab hosts will join so you can ask more questions.

Event Survey

Your feedback is important to us. We have used feedback from past events to shape this current one!

<To be posted here>

Questions & Concerns

If you have questions or concerns about this event, please contact Erin Nishimura (

Hosts & Sponsors

This event has been made possible by generous funding from the National Science Foundation. Grants received include CAREER (MCB 2143849) awarded to PI Erin Nishimura.

This event has been organized by the following people:

  • Erin Nishimura – CSU Biochemistry & Molecular Biology – Professor
  • Kayla Stewart – CSU Biochemistry & Molecular Biology – Laboratory Manager